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R.J.O. Intermediate School

Excellence in Education

Music Home

Welcome to the RJO Intermediate School Music Department

Back to School Night 2024 Presentation

If you are registering after September 10th, 2024,
please also e-mail Mrs. Brunson (band) or Mr. Schiavone (orchestra).

News: Know Your Schiavones

The RJO Music Department is thrilled to welcome our new Orchestra teacher, 

Mr. Tyler Schiavone! 

You may already know that our School Psychologist is Mr. Justin Schiavone.

Here's a handy guide to telling them apart! 

please scroll down for calendars, supplies, and percussion audition Information

click here for the

RJO Music Department Calendar

 (Sept.-Dec. dates posted)

2024-25 Concert Dates:

Mon Dec 9        -      4th Grade Winter Concert, 7 pm @ WTRMS

Thurs Dec 12   -      5th Grade Winter Concert, 7 pm @ WTRMS

Mon May 5        -      4th Grade Spring Concert, 7 pm @ WTRMS

Thurs May 8     -      5th Grade Spring Concert, 7 pm @ WTRMS

2024-25 Before-School Rehearsal days:

Grade 4 Band - Mondays, starting Oct. 7

Grade 4 Chorus - Wednesdays, starting September 25

Grade 4 Orchestra - Thursdays, starting Oct. 10

Grade 5 Orchestra - Wednesdays, starting Oct. 9

Grade 5 Chorus - Thursdays, starting September 26

Grade 5 Band - Fridays, starting Oct. 11

 Supply Lists  

Percussion audition information

Why should my child study music?

Music study supports RJO's mission to help all students become lifelong learners!

Music is interdisciplinary! 

We learn fractions in order to count note values, read a time and frequency chart (the score) to perform pitches, study languages to read musical directions and lyrics, communicate through sound, learn about people of other historical periods and cultures through their music, and develop physical education skills like body awareness, muscle strength, and fine motor control from instrumental and vocal training. Because music connects so many disciplines in real-time performance, it strengthens our mental connections between them.

Music teaches growth mindset! 

Because music performance requires so many different skills, it is one of the greatest challenges most students will experience. In keeping with our RJO mission statement, we learn to take risks like performing for others, to celebrate mistakes as opportunities to solve problems and improve our skills, and to learn skills for teaching ourselves that can be applied to any challenge in life.

Music teaches responsibility!

As a member of a team, we develop skills for time management, organization (such as following the schedule and having needed materials), preparation, and hard work to help the ensemble succeed.

Music is a moving experience!

Music is an artistic and expressive process that challenges us, engages our senses and emotions, and connects us to other people, places, times, and ideas, allowing us to better understand our world and ourselves.


Back to School Night Presentation 2023

Frequently Asked Questions

What is my child's instrument assignment?

Each year, assignment letters are sent home in your child's backpack in June and again in September.

Once you have your child's instrument assignment, please view the SUPPLY LIST for that instrument and purchase all needed supplies. 

***The supply list also contains important rental information!***

Is my child's instrument in the BAND or the ORCHESTRA at RJO?

All string instruments (violin, viola, cello, and bass) are ORCHESTRA instruments. 

Woodwinds, brass, and percussion are part of the BAND.

4th and 5th Grade General Music: Ms. Costanza
4th and 5th Grade Chorus: Ms. Costanza

4th and 5th Grade Orchestra: Mr. Schiavone

4th and 5th Grade Band: Mrs. Brunson
Mrs. Brunson's Web Page

Back to School Night handout on music and cognition

National Association for Music Education (NAfME): Broader Minded brochure 

National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) Foundation: Music Matters brochure

New York State Anchor Standards for Music